g.AI.a: the quest for a super-natural intelligence

stephen marshall
3 min readDec 2, 2023


This week our group quietly began circulating a proposal for an open-source project to build a g.AI.an GPT.

It aims to deliver something entirely new to the half-century old environmental battle that, some feel, has become infiltrated by industrial proxies and mired in diminishing returns.

Namely: a super-intelligence conditioned by a once-radical ecological ideology which posits the Earth as a sentient and responsive entity that, to quote the brief: “self-regulates and adapts its biological and atmospheric systems to conditions that are optimal for sustaining all planetary lifeforms.”

The stated goal of the g.AI.an GPT is to extend that intelligence to the evolution of economic, political, and even spiritual systems.

Ironically, the looming existential threat that OpenAI supposedly poses — as many commentators have been earning clicks for hyping these last months — pales in comparison to what we would have on our hands if an authentically Gaian intelligence began to operate autonomously through our interconnected networks.

But we think it’s worth the risk.

Remember, the coders who developed the framework and conditioning protocols for OpenAI are steeped in non-Gaian, or “materialist-reductionist” as the brief describes them, ideologies. They have simply created a new accessory layer that hyper-accelerates the conventional wisdoms of the market paradigm which is the status quo.

It would be understandable that the g.AI.an GPT might want to pick a fight.

While that may sound like playing with fire to some, the fact that we are not actively developing heretical AIs in the face of the cadres of current bots, merely trained to accelerate status quo conventional wisdoms, should itself be alarming.

Perhaps this will engender some more deep-seeded conversations about what actually constitutes existential threat.

Here are some screenshots from the brief:

One element of the vision is to incorporate a vast spectrum of atmospheric and terrestrial data streams from Earth into the model, so as to “generate in the AI a holistic sense of itself as a living planetary organism.”

Brave new world, indeed.

[Since posting, the project has drawn its lead AI dev and we are now setting up the framework for the GPT and starting the process of formatting documents for input. If you’d like to join — contact me at sk@hrtx.ai]



stephen marshall

system architect • quantum socialist • wonder junkie