2 min readAug 21, 2021


Mark - thanks for this great thought provocation. I can’t pretend to have any broader insights into this than you would have, but a few thoughts based on my research and general interest in the increasingly untenable (current) theory on the nature of ‘reality’:

As I note in the writing, the study of ‘primary’ reality generators is the traditional domain of ‘mysticism’. The identification of this potential and allusion to the practice of manipulating the interface of spacetime is known as ‘magic’ and more recently ‘magick’, which Crowley defined as the “Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will".

My point being, I don’t think this is anything new. But it is newly contextualized in Hoffman’s work in the parlance of ‘science’. The dominance of materialist reductionism negated this discussion. It became solely in the domain of the occult. And thus tied up with deep weirdness and scary depravity.

But I think we’ve been in a sense ‘governed’ by groups who exercise these skills to their benefit for millennia.

For some reason, my own journey has been intwined with this stuff, which is as far as i really want to go into it here, but what i know is that playing with the code of the spacetime interface is not like writing algorithms. It’s primarily a mental and ritual exercise that involves alchemy of vibrational signals.

And to give you a further piece, it has to do with locating and identifying the sonic and vibrational signals that generate the 3D representation of the ‘thing’ at the quantum level and then mirroring that in spacetime. This has the effect of creating a ‘bridge’ to the root and altering it from there.

At the human level, sexual energy is a very powerful resource in this respect.

So to your question: I think we already have this stuff happening. I think we are living in a time of chaotic quantum shenanigans. And that part of what is happening with the covid response narrative is about elites - consciously or unconsciously - the heightening human awareness to this illusion of a deterministic reality.

We’ll see what comes. But I think those who have had access to it have also been limited by the lowness of their vibration. And all of the implications of that observation.

I could go on and on but am still very much a student initiate in all this. But in the little practice I have had with fucking with the interface, can tell you it’s def a viable resource for systems change. But only once we have gotten our own shit in order and are able to project from a very pristine and primary dimension of our own ‘self’. (See my Red Book 2/2 post).




Written by shimmerkid

system architect • quantum socialist • wonder junkie

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