this is why g.AI.a
Tristan Harris & Aza Raskin on the Risks of A.I. and the Mentality of Those Creating It
“I think that there is a psychology that is more common among people building A.I. that most people don't know. We had a friend who's interviewed a lot of them, and this is the quote that he sent me. He says, ‘In the end, a lot of the tech people I'm talking to, when I really grill them on it, they retreat into. Number one, determinism. Number two, the inevitable replacement of biological life with digital life. And number three, that being a good thing anyways. At its core, it's an emotional desire to meet and speak to the most intelligent entity they've ever met. And they have some egoreligious intuition that they'll somehow be a part of it. It's thrilling to start an exciting fire. They feel they will die either way, so they'd like to light it just to see what happens.’ This is not the psychology that I think any regular, reasonable person would feel comfortable with determining where we're going with all this.”